Monday, March 1, 2010

Back to School!

The kiddlets are back in school today after a FOUR day weekend. WHY did they have a four day weekend, you ask. Well, it was because of the HUGE "Snowicane" we had... Or rather, DIDN'T have...
Our 3rd or 4th snow storm of the season left us with a whopping 2 inches in our yard. I could still see the tops of the grass. To say that I was disappointed is the understatement of the century. I love snow storms, and besides, they mean work for the hubster. :-)
Anyway, school was closed. Kids were home. Kids were nuts. Time FLEW by though. I couldn't believe that it's Monday already when my alarm was sounding this morning. Even after a four day weekend, Monday's seem to come too soon, and too EARLY.
So over our four day weekend, I had some great blogs working out in my head. However, since I stayed up until 2 AM watching..... I don't remember what, I'm awfully sleep deprived. My brain isn't working, and I don't have a clue what those blogs were about. (Right now I'd just be happy to remember what was so interesting that I stayed up until 2 AM watching it....)
Whatever... Maybe it'll come back to me as I'm working today. Time to make the doughnuts, er, rather bows today. My quota is a full 30 of them -completely finished. We'll see how that goes.
I'd rather take a nap...

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